Press releases
2022-11-21 08:30 CET | Regulatory
Nomination Committee RugVista Group AB (publ) appointed
The Nomination Committee of RugVista Group AB (publ) (“RugVista”) has been formed in accordance with the company’s “Instruction for the Nomination Committee” as adopted by the Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Committee appointed for RugVista’s 2023 Annual General Meeting has the following composition: Gunnar Mattsson (representative of madHat AB, and chairperson of the Nomination Committee)…
2022-11-10 07:30 CET | Regulatory
RugVista Group AB (publ) interim report January – September 2022
Good profitability despite challenging market Third quarter 2022 Net revenue was SEK 127.9 (141.0) million representing a decrease of -9.3% (21.1%). Organic net revenue growth was -12.7% (29.6%). Gross margin was 63.5%% (64.4%). EBIT was SEK 16.6 (22.9) million and EBIT margin was 13.0% (16.2%). Profit for the period was SEK 13.0 (17.9) million. Earnings…
2022-10-07 18:00 CEST | Regulatory
RugVista Group AB (publ) appoints Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) as liquidity provider
RugVista Group AB (publ) (“RugVista”) has appointed Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) (”Carnegie”) as liquidity provider for the company’s shares listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market. The arrangement is in accordance with the framework of Nasdaq Stockholm’s rules on liquidity providers. In the role of liquidity provider Carnegie undertakes to continuously quote prices…
2022-10-06 18:00 CEST | Regulatory
RugVista appoints Joakim Tuvner as new CFO
RugVista Group AB (publ) has appointed Joakim Tuvner as new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the Company and assumes his position in January 2023. Joakim Tuvner joins from Oatly where he has held the position Vice President Finance, EMEA. He has long experience from leadership positions within business and finance from both Swedish and international…
2022-08-18 07:30 CEST | Regulatory
RugVista Group AB (publ) interim report January – June 2022
Continued challenging market conditions Second quarter 2022 Net revenue was SEK 121.2 (140.6) million representing a decrease of -13.8% (+13.2%). Organic net revenue growth was -15.6%. Gross margin decreased to 60.1% (64.1%). EBIT was SEK 0.4 (24.8) million and EBIT margin was 0.4% (17.6%). Profit for the period was SEK -0.1 (18.6) million. Earnings per…
2022-05-20 15:48 CEST | Regulatory
Bulletin from Annual General Meeting 2022 of RugVista Group AB (publ)
Resolutions at Annual General Meeting 20 May 2022 The Annual General Meeting of RugVista Group AB (publ) was held today, Friday 20 May 2022, at the company’s premises at Frihamnsallén 10 in Malmö. Shareholders also had the opportunity to exercise their voting rights by post before the General Meeting. At the Annual General Meeting, the…
2022-05-12 07:30 CEST | Regulatory
RugVista Group AB (publ) interim report January – March 2022
Good profitability despite challenging market conditions First quarter 2022 highlights Net revenue was SEK 186.0 (204.5) million representing a growth of -9.1% (+84.8%). Organic net revenue growth was -12.3%. Gross margin decreased to 62.3% (64.9%). EBIT was SEK 21.5 (39.7) million and EBIT margin was 11.6% (19.4%). Adjusted EBIT was SEK 21.5 (49.6) million corresponding…
2022-04-20 10:30 CEST | Regulatory
CFO Henrik Bo Jørgensen to leave RugVista
Henrik Bo Jørgensen, CFO för RugVista Group AB (publ) has announced that he has decided to leave RugVista. Henrik Bo Jørgensen will continue as CFO until July, 2022. “I am sad to see Henrik leave, and I want to thank him for his commitment and contribution during his time at RugVista. We wish him all…
2022-04-11 08:15 CEST | Regulatory
Notice of Annual General Meeting in RugVista Group AB (publ)
The shareholders of RugVista Group AB (publ), Reg. No. 559037-7882, are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting, to be held on Friday, 20 May 2022 at 2:00 p.m. at the company’s premises at Frihamnsallén 10 in Malmö, Sweden. Registration for the Annual General Meeting will commence at 1:30 p.m. The Board of Directors has…
2022-04-08 15:15 CEST | Regulatory
RugVista Group publishes 2021 Annual and Sustainability Report
The Board and CEO hereby present the 2021 Annual and Sustainability Report for RugVista Group AB (publ) RugVista Group’s Annual Report for 2021 includes the company’s Sustainability Report and the Corporate Governance Report. The report will be available as of today on the company’s corporate website: Contact information Michael Lindskog CEO Henrik Bo…
2022-02-17 07:30 CET | Regulatory
RugVista Group AB (publ) year-end report 2021
Outstanding full-year financial performance Fourth quarter 2021 highlights Net revenue was SEK 218.8 (210.5) million representing a growth of 4.0% (55.3%). Organic net revenue growth was 7.0%. Gross margin increased to 64.9% (61.2%). EBIT was SEK 40.3 (39.1) million and EBIT margin was 18.4% (18.6%). Profit for the period was SEK 31.2 (30.4) million. Earnings…