
The people in our value chain are the core of everything we do and we want to have a positive impact on everyone who our business affects. We want to contribute to sustainable social development with a focus on social responsibility and inclusion.

Within the focus area PLANET, we have undertaken to achieve, among other, the following goals by 2030:

ObjectiveGoal 2030Goal 2025
Supply chain
% of rug suppliers included in Rugvista’s social auditing system100%100%
Number of Zero Tolerance cases according to amfori’s and LabelStep’s protocol for zero tolerance00
Our people
Employee Net Promotor Score (eNPS)8060
At least one performance review per year and employee100%100%
Gender equality: proportion of women in management40–60%40–60%

Social responsibility in the supply chain

The methods for how our rugs are manufactured range from machine-made rugs in large volumes to unique hand-woven rugs. To ensure that our high demands on human rights and working conditions are met, we work on several levels, both locally and globally.

Attractive and sustainable employer

Without driven and committed employees, we have no chance to achieve our set goals. People are the key to our success. That is why we work hard to attract and retain skilled, committed, and knowledgeable employees with drive and commitment.

Citizenship and NGO’s

We are members of the amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) which is an independent third-party organization that reviews and designs industry regulations on work environment and human rights.